With the Indy 500, driving is a part of life in Indiana. Though most people aren’t getting behind the wheel of a racecar, they are still required to have car insurance. Most state laws call for a minimum coverage amount, and failure to do so can result in serious penalties, including a license suspension, monetary fines, and jail time.

Our attorneys discuss Indiana’s insurance requirements.

Indiana’s Required Coverage

If you own a vehicle in Indiana, you must have the following coverage as part of your auto insurance policy:

  • $25,000 bodily injury per person per accident

  • $50,000 bodily injury for all persons per accident

  • $25,000 property damage liability

  • $25,000/$50,000 uninsured motorist bodily injury

  • $10,000 uninsured motorist property damage

  • $50,000 underinsured motorist bodily injury

This basic coverage is meant to pay for the medical expenses, property damage, and other costs the accident victims suffer.

Understanding Indiana’s “Fault” Laws

An additional factor one must consider is the “fault” system, which determines financial responsibility for losses associated with car accidents.

There are “no-fault” states, which means each person involved in an accident will collect compensation from their own insurance policy.

Indiana, on the other hand, is a “fault” state, meaning the liable driver is responsible for the damages through his or her insurance policy.

Injured by a Driver with No Insurance? We’re Here to Help

Despite these laws, many Indiana drivers try to get away with having no insurance. If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident caused by a driver who does not have insurance (or does not have enough), our Indianapolis attorneys are here to help.

Contact Wagner Reese today at (888) 204-8440 to speak with our team.