A former teacher at Alexandria Monroe High School in Alexandria, Indiana, has been arrested and charged with child molestation of a 12-year-old female student with special needs.
The teacher, 36-year-old Daniel Kuhn, was found in a secondary “sensory” classroom sitting on the floor next to the student by another teacher. The other teacher said that Kuhn acted nervously and may have been aroused when he left the room.
After an investigation was launched by local authorities, a part-time special education teacher stated that she had also previously witnessed Kuhn acting suspiciously while alone with the same student in the sensory classroom after school had ended for the day.
According to media reports, it was found that Kuhn had broken a key off into the lock of one of his classroom doors so that no one could easily walk in. Additionally, when he was placed on administrative leave, he allegedly erased his work computer’s history.
Kuhn Allegedly Has a History of Abuse
As appalling as these allegations are, they may only be the tip of the iceberg.
Since the arrest, two other students have also come forward making similar allegations. In the time Kuhn worked at Alexandria Monroe High School, there may have been even more victims.
Wagner Reese Is Fighting to Get Justice for One Victim of this Alleged Predator
Wagner Reese Attorney Stephen Wagner has now been retained to represent one of Kuhn’s alleged victims, a special needs student at Alexandria Monroe High School who alleges multiple incidents of abuse occurred over a two-year period. Mr. Wagner has already begun investigating the allegations and Daniel Kuhn’s background, including the circumstances of him leaving his previous teaching position at another school. If you or someone you know has information about Daniel Kuhn, please contact us immediately.
Sexually abusing children is an abhorrent act. At Wagner Reese, it’s our goal to help Kuhn’s victims and their families get the justice they desperately deserve. Once these allegations are proven in a court of law, we fully intend to hold Alexandria Monroe High School responsible for failing to prevent Kuhn’s predatory behavior.
In cases such as this, criminal charges against the assailant aren’t enough. If the school knew or should have known about the abuse—if the warning signs of “grooming” victims were present—the school district should be held civilly liable. The warning signs of grooming include when a teacher seeks opportunities to spend time alone with a student, communicates secretly with the student, gives the student special gifts or favors, or looks to spend time with the student outside of the school environment. The bottom line is that victims of sexual abuse should be fairly compensated for what they’ve gone through and what they will go through in the future.