A cluster of Salmonella cases has been linked to La Aldea Grocery, located
at 2801 Klondike Road in Tippecanoe County, Indiana. Consumers who experienced
symptoms after consuming food or beverages from La Aldea between September
7 and September 17, 2020 may have been exposed to salmonella bacteria.
Symptoms of Salmonella commonly include diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC). The
Tippecanoe County Health Department is currently investigating the La Aldea-related outbreak and is requesting
pertinent information to aid health officials with their work. If you
may have been affected, you are advised to report your symptoms to the
Tippecanoe County Health Department at 765-423-9222 ext. 1.
In addition to the investigation at La Aldea, Americans have encountered
several other Salmonella outbreaks this year: The CDC recently reported
a Salmonella outbreak across 12 states that was caused by
contaminated peaches. In addition,
onions contaminated with Salmonella have been the source of outbreaks in the United States and Canada. Salmonella
can contaminate a wide range of foods, such as ground beef, produce, chicken,
and dairy products, so simply keeping up to date with Salmonella outbreaks
can go a long way. Practicing proper hand hygiene, especially around animals
and household pets, may also help prevent Salmonella.
We know that after being infected with Salmonella, your health is your
top priority. Unfortunately, treatment for salmonella infection can leave
you with the expensive medical bills. Moreover, going through such trauma
can have large negative impacts on your mental and emotional well-being.
Fortunately, you could be entitled to receive compensation for any damages
suffered. Our distinguished lawyers at Wagner Reese want to fight for
your rights and help you get back to your life.
Contact Wagner Reese online
for more information about how you could be compensated for your injuries.