Pay Extra Attention While Traveling Through Highway Work Zones
Construction workers are at risk every day at work sites across Indiana,
especially those spending 8-10 hours days in highway work zones. Lawmakers,
local and state police, and construction companies work diligently to
reduce the effect construction activities can have on drivers, particularly
on interstate highways since highway accident and wreck statistics show
there is greater risk of injury or death in a work zone crash when driving
on these types of roadways. According to the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), the latest statistics from 2014 show that 14 people were killed and
more than 400 were injured in INDOT work zones.
Drivers Cause More Collisions In Highway Work Zones
It is everyone’s responsibility to use caution and common sense when
driving through highway work zones. And, although traveling in highway
construction can be frustrating because it may take more time and expense
and also make a driver feel they are at more risk of becoming involved
in an accident, it is important to acknowledge that it is not always the
work zone hazards that cause accidents but actually the actions of most
drivers. Nationally, four out of five people killed in work zones are
drivers and passengers – NOT highway workers.
The most common causes of collision in highway work zones include:
- Driver inattention and distracted drivers
- Improper lane change
- Failure to yield right-of-way
- Following too closely
- Ran over object in roadway
- Ran off roadway
- Unsafe lane movement
- Unsafe speed
These eight causes often result in the following common types of collisions:
- Head-on between two motor vehicle accidents happen when two cars driving
in opposite directions collide. - Rear-end accidents occurs when a motor vehicle crashes into the vehicle
in front of it. Rear-end crashes are the most common type of work zone crash. - Roadway departure crashes occur after a vehicle crosses an edge line or
a centerline, or otherwise leaves the traveled way. - Same direction sideswipe wrecks happens when two motor vehicles are moving
next to each other in the same direction and their sides contact one another.
Follow the Law and Review These Tips for Safe Driving in Work Zones
The INDOT has helped pass the Indiana Work Zone Safety Law. This helped
create heavy penalties for driver inattentiveness and infractions in highway
work zones. For example, drivers who choose to speed in a work zone will
receive a $300 fine on the first offense. The fine increases to $500 for
a second offense and $1,000 for a third offense within three years.
Reckless and aggressive drivers traveling through work zones face fines
up to $5,000. And those drivers who injure or kill a highway worker may
end up paying a $10,000 fine and serving up to six years behind bars.
Drivers shouldn’t risk the chance associated with breaking the law,
especially within a work zone. Drivers should also review these safe-driving
tips from the INDOT.
- Be patient and stay calm. Remember that the construction crews are working
to make the road better for you! - Expect delays and allow extra travel time to travel through work zones.
- Don’t text or talk on the phone and avoid taking your hands off the
wheel. Distracted driving has become a crisis on all roadways. Driver
inattention is a leading cause of all highway crashes. - Keep a safe distance on all sides of your vehicles and maintain a safe
following distance. Rear-end collisions are the most common type of work
zone crash. - Pay attention to the construction signing. Those signs are carefully selected
to give drivers accurate information and important warnings. - Respect the flaggers and obey their guidance. Be patient when driving through
work sites with flagger control. - Respect the posted speed limits and safely merge as soon as safely possible
as this will allow traffic to flow smoothly. Keep in mind, driving 45
MPH instead of 55 MPH through a 5 mile work zone will only add 1.2 minutes
to your trip. Speeding and aggressive driving is a major cause of work
zone crashes. - Select alternate routes if possible to avoid the work zone completely.
- Take extra care to pay attention and expect the unexpected. Work Zone configurations
can change without notice.
Look For Indiana’s “Smart” Road Signs
Most fatal work zone crashes occur on roads with speed limits greater than
50 mph. Watch for speed limit reductions, narrowing lanes, changing traffic
patterns, and – most importantly – highway workers. In 2015,
the State of Indiana introduced the use of “smart” road signs
able to read traffic patterns, and offer real-time updates to cars entering
the construction zones, changing speed limits and road hazards accordingly
to help drivers.
For example, the heavier the traffic, the slower the speed limit might
be, but the smart signs will be able to read this traffic and adjust the
speeds as it moves, allowing cars to avoid accidents and move through
the work zones more efficiently.
INDOT officials say these signs cut down on the number of rear-end accidents
that happen in work zones (largely due to quick drops in speed limits),
but they also make the shoulders and work areas safer for construction
crews, as they help drivers to navigate the zones more safely.
Travel Safe, Stay Safe
Fatal work zone crashes occur most often in summer (and fall). With holiday
weekends and summer getaways soon approaching, be reminded to be safe
while driving through construction zones. For your own safety, and for
the safety of the workers and their families, please adhere to the lower
speed limits, and stay alert for lane shifts, moving equipment, and workers
in construction zones. Above all, please put down your cell phones and
stay free from distractions.
If you have been in an accident in a highway work zone and injured, the
attorneys at Wagner Reese can assist you in recovering damages for your
injury and subsequent medical bills.
Stephen Wagner and Jason Reese can work directly with you and handle your
car accident claim with years of experience and proven results. Call the
law firm of Wagner Reese today at (888) 204-8440 for your FREE consultation.